What is the National Society of Academic Excellence?

The NSOAE is both a national accreditation society as well as a networking and professional development service. While it’s best known for being a premier honor society, the NSOAE is much more than just a line on a resume. Certainly, because of our impressive record and strong values, our society looks impressive to employers. That’s not the heart of the NSOAE. Our goal is to recognize past excellence while encouraging future success. We strive towards this goal with our pillar of values, CADES.


Community is more than just individuals coming together. Community is a feeling of security and strength. Whether you’re brainstorming ideas or coming together for a meal, community makes work more efficient and makes play more fun. At the NSOAE, we encourage our members to be active in the community, so that they may learn and grow from their experiences to be the best version of themselves they can be.



At the NSOAE, we want to encourage people to act according to their passions. Oftentimes, it’s too easy to take the path of least resistance, so we never unlock our full potential. That is why it’s more necessary than ever to have a sense of urgency—something that drives you to make the changes you want to see in yourself and the world.



Diversity is about more than just the color of your skin. Intellectual Diversity is one of the most important factors in effective decision making. Having friends and coworkers from different cultural, religious, political, and socio-economic backgrounds is invaluable in running a business or in becoming a well rounded person. As Malcom Forbes once said, “Diversity is the art of thinking independently together.”



Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. The human experience is remarkably similar from person to person. We all crave love and success, abstract measures by which we judge our self worth. By being empathetic, we allow for a universal language of love to lead us into the world of understanding.


What does it mean to serve? When we think of service, oftentimes we think of community service and volunteering. Hopefully throughout your high school and college experience you were able to give back to the community through trash cleanups, tutoring, construction projects, or any of various volunteering opportunities. However, there’s another side of service. Service is an everyday task, where you are consistently making the world a better place through your concern for the individual.